"We don't want our beautiful ocean dirty, or our earth that God created dirty." This is what Elisha said while we were picking up trash down at Boca de Inferno. (The Mouth of Hell) Such a simple statement, yet so true. From the mouths of babes.
Noah, Elisha and I went to the Park in Cascais yesterday for some hang out and play time. We took a walk over to the rocky cliffs at Boca de Inferno, that over looks the sea. There's this cool place where you an climb down through this old broken down building that sits between the rock. The building has this big wall to keep the sea out. You stand up on top and look down into this pit, where the water is shallow and the shadows deep. The ocean has to fight it's way through a small hole in the wall. It feels sacred and secret.
Every time I go there I think this would be such a cool place for baptisms, but the whole area is trashy. People seem to think because it's hidden it's ok to just drop trash everywhere. Even down in the cool secret spot. I've wanted to get some people together and go clean it up. So that what we did yesterday. We started cleaning up.
It was so wonderful. Two little boys and me. The ocean spraying up over the wall. The sun shining down. We were restoring creation. We were serving our city. We were growing in our walk. We were playing. We were fellowshipping and disciplining each other. It was truly a deep spiritual time for me and fun for the boys. I sure hope they let me do it with them again. And who know, maybe we will do baptisms down there someday. I hope so.
Shalom and be blessed
Thanks for taking our boy and giving him a greater appreciation for God's creation- he had a wonderful time.
What a prophetic act. Cleaning up the area for baptisms.
Hey Spence - One of Robert's fellow PhD students here in Durham is a friend of Zac, Hillary, Scott and Terry's ... His name is Christian Bendoraitis (sp?). Small world huh?
Hi Spence, I was one of the leaders for the kids ministry team at Connect this past summer. We loved having Noah and Eden around, they are some great kids. Their energy and enthusiasm are awesome!
Anyway, great story about you and the boys.
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