Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Books, Money and Memories

I have a memory from childhood. It is sweet and powerful to me. I remember my dad bringing me home a stack of books that he had read when he was a kid. Books like "Lord of the Flies" and "The Ox Bow Incident". I don't know why it is such a strong memory for me. Maybe it was the fact that he thought of me enough to stop and buy the books just for me. Maybe it was because they were part of him, and by reading them I would know who he was better. What ever the reason I hold it close to my heart.

Today we had no car. It was in the shop getting looked at by the insurance guy. (Side note;the insurance company is going to fix my car. If they don't classify it as a totaled.) So we had to walk home with the kids from school. Here's the kids reaction. """Ahwwwwww man! Why do we have to walk." My reaction was, "You ungrateful little wretches! Be glad you don't have to walk every day. What if you didn't have legs and couldn't walk at all?" Things got better from there.
Noah found a cigarette box to kick all the way down to Cascais. We talked and laughed and then we went and got ice cream. Santinni's to be exact. The best gelado in Portugal, for those of you who don't know what Santinni's is. The weather was warm and we were happy. I wandered over to the little book store at the end of the block, where they carry a limit selection of English books and thumbed through the stack.
Eden has discovered Nancy Drew as of late, and guess what, there was Nancy Drew #72. I yelled down to her and said " Hey Eden come and look at this." She was so excited to see Nancy Drew. ( Do you think God gets that warm fuzzy feeling when He gives us something we like or want?)
There were more English books down stairs. Down we went. Books, books and more book. Books on business. Books on love. Books on witchcraft, new age and Christianity.Kids books, novels, and history's. Old books and new books. It was a scene right out of a movie. I even found a shelf of leather bound books in really bad condition, but they look so cool. I fell in love with them right away.
So we bought our books, and headed home. 8 euros for Gelado, 7 euros for a few book, & memories of today, priceless. Up the street we go, headed for the train. As we came to the round about I looked down and there in the gutter is a ten euro bill. "Eden pick it up." I say. Sure enough that's what it is, ten euros. When is the last time you found ten buck in the street. On to the train. Home to Estoril. Off the train and headed for the casino gardens to sit and do home work for awhile. Noah looks down. There in the dirt and trash at the side of the road is a two euro coin. No were almost even. Books+Gelado+Train=19 euro. Money found on the ground 10 euro+2 euro=12. A 7 euro difference. Then as if a joke at this point. Eden sits down and finds 5 cents. What? You can't help but laugh. Free money three times in one day?
At the casino park we run into one of Edens friends. The kids are able to play together and have a really great time. Memories; family, ice cream, trains, books, laughing, talking and finding money. I couldn't of asked for a better day. And all because we had the car in being inspected after I wrecked it. Being inspected brought unexpected joy. Wish everyday was this good, but I'll take em when I can get them.

Be Blessed and don't forget to dig around under the couch cushion.

1 comment:

p said...

You forgot to mention "Moms against Dads" basketball. Could it be because the we smoked you?