Friday, September 21, 2007

Church Plant

This poor little guy has had a hard time as of late. When he came to live with us. He was in bad shape. In the process of being moved he was placed in a garbage bag to protect him. As it was summer the short hour he sat in the car before being transported to our house did some major damage to him. You can see that the whole center section has had the dead part trimmed off. He looks a little funky, but who am I to talk. I wake up to my self every morning.
So why am I rambling on about our plant you ask? Well he just got the dead parts trimmed off yesterday and after I had finished I was looking at him and I thought, "I can't believe he survived." (I like calling it a he. It gives him personality.) I wanted him to survive, but we received him right before our trip to Hungry and we were going to be gone so I figured, he might not make it. Such is life. So I stuck him in the plant bed out side and left him til later.
Later came and I kind of just left him with the other plants. He got a little water, but he looked bad. His pot was leaning over side ways in the other flower bush and he had all these brown parts that made him look almost dead.So i decided yesterday to get him out of there and see if there was any hope.
I got him out of the planter, cut off the dead stuff and took a look at him. What do you know, he was a little beat-up, but alive and had even put off new growth.
That's when I remembered something Gerard Kelly had said at CONNECT, (our yearly conference). He had said that some people think the church in Europe is dead, but that it will not die unless God gives up on it and God has not given up on the church in Europe.
So I was looking at this poor plant and I thought "Yes, maybe this old plant looked dead, and I had to cut a bunch of dead parts off, but it is alive and new growth is happening."
Yes maybe the church in Europe needs to have some dead trimmed off. Yes, maybe some people figure it's dying or dead. Yes, maybe it's had some damage done and now it looks a little funky. That's okay. God's not finished with it yet. He is the master gardener. After He's trimmed it up, it will thrive.
So, now I have my own little church plant, to remind me that God will finish what He started. I think I'll name him Luther. The plant, not God. Be Blessed and let's all work on trimming off the dead parts.


Jenelle said...

I think you should name him Anabaptist! Because they were always getting dunked. And this plant needs water.

Alana said...

cool!!! I like that plant!!! its a special plant ;) hehe I bet it will grow 2 be even more beutiful, just like the church will :)