Friday, July 27, 2007

Puking for Jesus-DAY 3 STC

So here we are at the end of day three of SERVE THE CITY LISBON. We have painted the court yard and outer wall of CASA SOL. That was a lot of work, but it sure felt great to see it when we were finished. We also put up a sunshade for the kids in an area that was blasted by the sun each afternoon, making playing almost impossible. Tomorrow everyone is at ALDIEA SOS. There is still a lot to do so please pray it finishes well.
So now for my story of the day. We left early this morning so we could pick-up Pasteis de Belem for all the workers. Noah is never the easiest person to get rolling in the morning, and this morning was no exception. He always has some pain or ill feeling when we need him to do something he doesn't want to do. So this morning he was complaining about his stomach. Well you can probably guess what's coming, but I'll fill you in.
We get to CASA SOL and start to work. Both the kids have been big helpers. So Eden jumped in, but Noah was kind of not in the game. I told him to rest and stay in the shade. It's really hot at CASA SOL. After awhile he came out and help, but then needed to rest in the shade again. I let him. I didn't want to hear him whine.
So there I am out on the street painting the outside wall and all of the sudden I hear Paula say "Keep going! Try to get out to the gutter!" Then I see Noah Puke with as much force as a fire hose. He takes two more steps out the door, and he does it again. Were all yelling "Get to the gutter!" And he's puking his guts up.
So yes we finished the work at CASA SOL, but not at a cost. Noah and Paula went home at lunch. He was a trouper and waited to go home at lunch. Right now he's sitting on the couch watching TV. He told me he puked out his nose two this afternoon. Pray he feels better so he can enjoy the Grande Fiesta tomorrow night. Be Blessed.

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