Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I wish was in a better mood right now, but I am NOT! I'm ripped because I just had to pay 110 Euros to have my front door opened because we walked out the door and forgot to take our keys. This is all due to the fact that my house keys are on my car key ring and I have a rental car while my car gets fixed-up after the crunching it recieved last month.

Anyhow I'm letting off steam on my blog, when I had intended to talk about our 24/7 (actually 24/3) Prayer Room. If you're not familiar with 24/7 Prayer it is a prayer movment where people set-up a space/room with creative elements and they pray for 24 hours a day for 7 day. This goes on all over the world non-stop, people praying for the world around them.

Our 24/7 went from 4pm Friday afternoon to 8pmSunday night. Almost every hour was filled by our community. Friday night we kicked it off with worship and praise together. It was great. I had spent the whole day with Vikki prepairing the space and was so happy to hear people say that it was warm and enviting. The evening was cool and you could feel the excitment that people had in expectation of what God would do. There was laughter, tears, singing and the powerful feeling of Gods presence with us as we worship in that garage turned prayer room. Then the real prayer started.

I cannot say what experiances people had in that room because I was not in there every hour, but my time was great. I had a 3 am to 7 am slot that was awsome. Look up Malachi 1:11 and listen to the worship song "Famous One" if you want to hear a little of what God spoke to me. Others had great things to say about their time there as well. The walls grew richer and more colorful as people painted, drew, wrote out and experesssed their heart of prayer to God. Going from blank white paper walls, to colorful prayer filled walls is a breath taking experince everyone should have.

We finished our time together as a larger Matrix community. The place was packed with surfer, artists (the walls showed that), moms, dads, kids, new faces and old one, follwers of Christ, seekers, wonderers, singles, punks, and who knows what else. Looking around I realized how faithful God is. He is raising up and army on its knees. He is blessing our Lisboa Matrix community. He is bringing His people out of the wood work. We worshipped loud. We prayed deeply. We stood together. All of us. No matter who we were, or what we thought. We were a people of God. Praying to Him. Living in union with him and each other. Oh wow was it beautiful. I am grateful for what God is doing here and pray that he with keep pouring his spirit out on our community. Like I quoted before "Expect great things from God. Attempt great things for God." Be Blessed

1 comment:

Jenelle said...

Reading this made my heart hurt and happy at the same time because I wish I were there with you guys, once again. I experienced so many good prayer rooms moments in that Matrix community. Thanks for sharing a little of it outside of the walls.