Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Anywhere but Here! (Our Story part 5)

The Journey from the state of Washington to San Diego, California was a three day push. Forced to be with each other hour after hour, we soon discovered that "all was not well in the land of Nod." Morning sickness combined with travel sickness caused our nerves to get raw. By the time we reached San Diego things were not as rosy as they had looked before.
We pulled into Escondido with three cans of soup and $8.00 in our pocket. I figured I could work for my dad for a little while, make some cash and then we would head off to Mexico. When I say a little while, I meant a little while. The last thing that I wanted was to be back in Escondido where I had grown up. I mean hey, I had lived in New York, New York. I was a man of the world. I wasn't going to get stuck back in my home town.
Paula on the other hand suddenly had a different plans. They went something like this; Get a job, get an apartment, have the baby in a hospital instead of a cave and then go back to law school. Huh? The old nesting instinct had kicked in and we were not going anywhere. WHAT!?! How had this happened? Had I been tricked. Was it witchcraft? Stuck back in Escondido with this crazy girl who was going to have my baby. Stuck here? Where had the freaky wild hippy chick gone? And what did she mean she wanted to go to Law School? Was she kidding? You don't decided to go to Law School when your having a baby. Do you? What was going on?
We did get an apartment and I kept working for my dad. She started nesting, preparing to have the baby, but we were getting further and further out on a limb. Our relationship was going down to tube. Basically it went something like this; I hated working for my dad. She wanted me to buck-up and be a man. I wasn't ready to be responsible. She wasn't ready to give up her independence. We fought more and more until she decided that maybe I could live in an apartment next door, but she and the baby didn't need me around. I on the other hand had a few choice thoughts about her. Things were about to explode.
So one day after work I told my dad to get me my money and drive me to the airport. I wasn't talking about it, there was not going to be a discussion. Just give me my money and take me to the airport. I was going back to Orcas Island to live with my sister and her husband. I was gone. Good-bye. So long. Good riddance.


Whitney said...

I like reading your story =)
Thanks again for sharing it!
Hope you guys are doing good.

Winter here seems to never end. Everyone keeps telling me that Chicago hasn't had such a hard and long winter like this in a looong time. Great. haha
DON'T tell me what it's like in Portugal! I might have to hire an assasin. I don't want to do that to your children.

Say hi to Paula and the kids for me.
Have a great day!

Spence Farmer said...

Thanks Whit. It was knowing you would read it that get me going to post it. Iremember mt first winter in New York it snowed 14 times. I thought it was always like that but everyone said it was the worst winter in a long time. Hang in there. You will never love spring as much as the one that is coming. Blessings this Easter.