Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pressing On (A Raw Post)

My creative juices have been dry. It is for this reason that I have been lacking blog material. It's not like my life has stopped, but how do you make the blah of everyday life interesting. Do any of you ever have that problem? I mean who cares how much laundry is piled up in our bed rooms. Or how many dirty dishes are in the sink. Or who cares that I am wondering what the heck I am doing that is making a difference in the Kingdom. (It's time for P to come home.)

But isn't that the battle? Isn't this also what Paul is talking about when he talks about "Being pressed but not crushed. Down but not out, etc, etc, etc..." Isn't this where most of us find we are in the dark shadow filled valley? When all hell is breaking loose and the spiritual battle is in my face, I don't have a problem remembering that we battle against principalities of the air, spiritual forces of darkness. But this feeling of inadequacies is the worst. This feeling that my life is going to just drag on like this is torture. (Because it's all about me you know.)

So what to do? (Deep breath) I am lowering my shoulder and pressing on, remembering that I am just a cracked clay pot. I am remembering that I am not abandoned. I am remembering that God finishes what He starts. I am remembering that my beloved bride is 5 days from being home. I am remembering that my community has cared for me in her absence. I am remembering that the last time I felt like this God carried me through it. I am remembering that you are there suffering through your own stuff and that this present suffering, for us, is but a shadow that will pass. I am remembering that MLK Jr. had a dream that still exists, ( I figure even MLK Jr. felt these things sometimes too.), that putting an end to slavery was not easy,that the fight for spiritual freedom in the world is not even close to over, that Christ suffered for my junk and He still chooses me to do this. (Even if I do have a sink full of dishes.) \I am remembering that feeling low is part of the battle. That this season, this Winter of discontent, will pass and Spring is waiting on the other side. So I will remember to seek His face and remember that I AM BLESSED! "For we are more than conquerors!" You be blessed too.