Sunday, June 24, 2007

Just the Facts

I need to keep these things up-dated every other day or so because there is so much that happens in the course of a week that it become very hard not to write a novel when I blog. So here's a few high lights since I last wrote.
Maliki, Zac and Hill's little guy, had his second B-day last Sunday. I painted faces and the kids had a great time. Scott and Terri left for the states on Monday. We will miss them til they get home. The Uhler's returned home, from a family trip to Spain, before their kids go to Africa for the Summer. Eden and Noah went to the B-day party of Adian, a 9 year old boy they've met here. His dad and I sat and talk about Jesus and "spiritual"things the whole time. It was good. Yesterday we had a picnic in a park over looking Lisbon. There was lots of football playing (that's soccer for you Americans), and even more talking and making friends. Also KC, one of our interns that will be here for the Summer, arrived. Anything else...? No. I think that's the week in a nut shell.
P is working hard on her Serve the City project. It's really difficult to tell what it will look like in the end. We have lost some of the voluntaries we had and it's impossible to tell how may people will actually be involved from different churches and organizations here. Keep praying for this.
Our church service's are growing. With many new people visiting and a consistent showing from the normal people. It will be interesting to see what takes place over the Summer, as many people will be coming and going. My hope is that we are able to keep the momentum up so that when everyone returns in the Fall we can hit the ground running.
Well I think that covers the majority of the stuff. Might not be the most exciting post, but it's what's going on around here. Hope you all are well. We miss you and would love to pray for you specifically. If there is something we could be praying about please let us know. Blessings

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