Sunday, October 26, 2008

So Busy, But So Thankful

The weeks are flying by and we are flapping just as hard as we can. Sometimes being a Wild Goose is a rush and other times it just feels like we are in a rush.
I want to have a healthy rhythem of life. I want to enjoy these last few sunny days before it get's cold and wet. I want to stop and listen to the story that Noah has thought up in his head. I want to look at the picture of Nick Jonas glued on Edens school folder, that she wants to show me. I want to walk on the beach with my wife. I want to sit in Gods presence and worship. I want my beloved to have more free time. I'm waiting. It will come. It's already starting.

Here's somethings I'm thankful for this week.

1. A great family that loves each other.
2. The Matrix growing in healthy ways.
3. God re-lighting my heart to go deeper with Him again.
4. Denny and Maureen.
5. Paula's face not hurting today.
6. The Dollar getting stronger against the Euro.
7. Sun.
8. My journal that I read from 2 years ago.
9. Msking progress in the little things.
10. Getting the time to blog.

Here's my prayer for you...May the Lord Bless you and show Himself to you at a deeper level. May you hear His voice today, and may He say that he couldn't Love you any more than he already does. Be Blessed, Keep Flying, and Be Loved

1 comment:

jesus gypsies said...

hey spence! sending you guys our love- praying for you and hope that things/life begins to settle a bit. give the fam a big hug and kiss from us.