The weeks are flying by and we are flapping just as hard as we can. Sometimes being a Wild Goose is a rush and other times it just feels like we are in a rush.
I want to have a healthy rhythem of life. I want to enjoy these last few sunny days before it get's cold and wet. I want to stop and listen to the story that Noah has thought up in his head. I want to look at the picture of Nick Jonas glued on Edens school folder, that she wants to show me. I want to walk on the beach with my wife. I want to sit in Gods presence and worship. I want my beloved to have more free time. I'm waiting. It will come. It's already starting.
Here's somethings I'm thankful for this week.
1. A great family that loves each other.
2. The Matrix growing in healthy ways.
3. God re-lighting my heart to go deeper with Him again.
4. Denny and Maureen.
5. Paula's face not hurting today.
6. The Dollar getting stronger against the Euro.
7. Sun.
8. My journal that I read from 2 years ago.
9. Msking progress in the little things.
10. Getting the time to blog.
Here's my prayer for you...May the Lord Bless you and show Himself to you at a deeper level. May you hear His voice today, and may He say that he couldn't Love you any more than he already does. Be Blessed, Keep Flying, and Be Loved
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Thursday, October 16, 2008
I Don't Like it One Bit
The cat, Tiger Lily, has lost her mind. She is tearing around the house like she has just smoked crack or something. Down the hall, through the kitchen, aross the dog (who doesn't like a one bit either), and up the side of the leather couch. I repeat, I don't like it one bit, because the couch is starting to get these like cat claw spots in the leather. I DO NOT LIKE IT! I WILL NOT LET YOU CLAW THE COUCH!
This is why my dad never let us have cat's in the house. (Or dogs or hamsters, or horse. Well maybe we did have a horse in the house once, but that's another story) Why did we get this stupid, cute cat? Oh yes, now I remember, it was Eden's 12th birthday and we didn't have any idea what to get her and she found a tiny, scared,free kitten at a pet store. I should have known something was up, FREE from a Pet Store. It was a set up. And now I am paying for it with our leather couches. We can't have anything nice (Pout)
But wait...(Hold on I have to keep the dog from eatting the cat...ok i'm back.She ran up the back of the couch to get away)
Like I said, wait grumpy dad guy, take a step back. Take a deep breath, get some perspective. How much would I pay to see my little girl light up with joy that she gets a birthday kitten? How much would I pay for a warm little ball of fur in my lap when it's chilly outside and I'm sitting reading a book? How much would I pay to listen to my son laugh til he almost wets his pants because the cat is tickling his foot by licking it? How much would I pay to have a little purring thing crawl between P and I during the night and then to have P feel special because the kitten wanted to sleep with her? (Especially when P has been so tired and blue with this new work load) How much would I pay to see my family happy?
Let's see, we got the two leather couches for 400 euro and if you figure that appearance is only half their value and function is the other half, then I can only look at the damage that Tiger Lily is doing to the appearance, because they still seem to function. So let's say she's killing half the value of the couch so, 200 Euro of damage. Would I pay 200 Euro to bring a whole bundle of joy to the fam? You betcha!
Wow! I got a new attitude, for today, or at least right now. (I still wish she wouldn't run up the side of the dang couch) Ah well like AA says, one day at a time. Be Blessed and Let the cat run on the couch today. (Even if it's just once :)
Monday, October 13, 2008
Giving It All
For example last week she took her class to the beach for two days and nights so that they could explore ancient civilizations. On the first day they were a stone age tribe. They built fires, gutted fish for their lunch, cooked rabbit for dinner and engaged with the idea of people living in a culture before agricultre or animal husbandry. Day two they had root vegetables, grains, plus goat. (They had advanced and enjoyed their meals much more) On the last day they were in modern civilazation and went to the Dempsey house to shower and have pancakes for breakfast. Then they went to the mall and watch "Voyage to the Center of the Earth". It was a long three days for everyone, but I believe an experiance that they will never forget.
It's a new season with P working full time at the school, but we are starting to get our rhythem of life down again. With school taking so much time it has been hard to do much else. But things are evening out and the kids are happy. There is so much to be thankful for from the school actually functioning, to the relationships with the 6 high schoolers she is teaching. It will be interesrting to see how this year goes. Keep us in prayer as we press into this. Be Blessed, Pass it On
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