Sunday, August 26, 2007

Catching Up

Well we are back from our week long conference in Hungry and a short holiday in the mountains of central Portugal. There is to much news to tell you everything, but here are some highlights...

* We were really inspired to go deeper with God because of the teaching from Philippians at "Connect". Our speaker, the pastor of Cross Roads Amsterdam, was amazing.We looked at our suffering with Jesus and God not being done with the church here in Europe. Plus many other things. You might want to look at Philip. 3:12-14. Good stuff.

*Our first day at "Connect" we went into Vienna and did a one day ServetheCity event. Paula and Eden helped clean up an animal shelter. Noah and I worked with a group of people doing street theatre. Once again amazing things happened. I'll see if I can get some info up about the giant monkey that was out of his head crazy at the shelter and our encounter with the police doing street theatre.

*The kids had a wonderful time at the "Connect"/conference. They swam, made new friends from places like Romania, France, and Holland, enjoyed kids camp and over all wore themselves out.

*Eden celebrated her 11th birthday in the airport of Vienna. Poor things b-day fell on our big travel day. The down side was it was not a birthday party b-day. The up side was getting to hang out at the Starbucks in the airport all day. Plus she got almost anything she asked for that day, due to the guilt of no being able to really celebrate her special day.

*Our camping trip to central Portugal was much needed. We re-grouped as a family. Had fun together. Read books, went swimming in the river, jumped on the trampoline, laughed alot and saw some amazing Roman ruins on our way back home.

So that a little idea of the last few weeks. Like I said there's so much more I could tell you about. I'll try to get a couple of stories on in the next few day. Probably Tuesday, because I'm going to be out at Casa Sol painting tomorrow. Hope you have all had a great summer. Miss ya and can't wait to talk to you. Be Blessed

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